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Dumb Elevator

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Years Experience
Lift Type

Dumb Elevator

A dumbwaiter is a small freight elevator or lift intended to carry food. Dumbwaiters found within modern structures, including commercial, public and private buildings, are often connected between multiple floors. When installed in restaurants, schools, hospitals, retirement homes or in private homes, the lifts generally terminate in a kitchen.

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Technical Datasheet

No. of Person Rated Capacity Entrance Width Cabin Size ( D X W) Shaft Size (Space Need)
6 408 KG 700 1100 X 1000 1600 X1600
8 544 KG 800 1300 X 1100 1700 X 1700
10 680 KG 800 1300 X 1350 1700 X 1950
13 884 KG 900 2000 X 1100 2400 X 1700
16 1088 KG 1000 2000 X 1300 2400 X 2900
20 1360 KG 1000 2000 X 1500 2400 X 2100